Skyscrapers by the Roots Reflections on Late Modernism Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal. March 10 - August 10, 2025
Princeton University School of Architecture, ARE WE HUMAN?The Design of the Species: 2 seconds, 2 days, 2 years, 200 years, 200,000 years
"The Environment-Bubble" dance workshop with Dimitri Chamblas at Dumbo, 8 nov 2017
"The Environment-Bubble" dance workshop with Dimitri Chamblas at Central Park, 9 nov 2017
Société, Bruxelles, Modus Operandi, 15 avril - 15 Juillet 2017
10e Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Etienne 9 mars – 9 avril 2017
Villa Noailles, La Boîte de Nuit, 14 fevrier – 19 mars 2017
3rd Istanbul Design Biennial ARE WE HUMAN?: The Design of the Species:2 seconds, 2 days, 2 years, 200 years, 200.000 years, 2016
Centre Pompidou-Metz, Sublime. Les tremblements du monde, 2016
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Hippie Modernism: The Struggle for Utopia, 2015-2016
Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris, Artists and Architecture - Dimensions Variables, 2015-2016
British Pavilion Venice Biennale, Fundamentals, 2014
Marta Museum, Germany, The Unfettered Gaze - The Rasch Brothers and their influence on modern architecture, 2014
SouthBank Centre, England, The Universal Addressability of Dumb Things, Mark Leckey 2013
Canadien Center for Architecture, Montreal, Environnement Total, 2009
MUDAM Luxembourg, Tomorrow Now - when design meets science fiction, 2007
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, The Sixties in Canada, 2005
Musée canadien des civilisations, Ottawa, Design à gogo, 2005
Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Architecture radicale, 2004
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, Village global, 2004
Vitra Design Museum, Germany, Living in Motion, 2002
Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, Les années Pop, 2001
Musée d’art moderne de la ville de Paris, ELECTRA, 1983
MoMA, New York, Transformations in Modern Architecture,1980
Spazio Punch, Giudecca Island, Venice, 2023
Yale School of Architecture, 2023
Woodbury University, WUHO Gallery, Los Angeles, 2016
McMaster Museum of Art, Hamilton, 2013-2014
ENSA Paris-Malaquais, 2012
ETH, Zurich, 2012
Architectural Association, Londres, 2011
Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, 1999
Among projects and public art installations the following were carried out in North America and France:
DrapoLum, in progress, Conseil Architecture Urbanisme et Environnement du Nord (CAUE) Rigid luminous white flag structured by électroluminescent tubes of LEDS, Lille, France 2010/18
Trafic, permanent installation, Conseil Architecture Urbanisme et Environnement du Maine-et-Loire (CAUE),
France - Electroluminescent LEDS activated by motion captors of car traffic in a near by highway, Angers, France 2009.
ArchiVirus Criss crossed orthographics: a classical alphabet based on bar codes and luminous dots composed of LED’s all programmed by computer to ‘interact directly with the public’ Montreal 2002
Porte-Lumière, permanent installation, Conseil Architecture Urbanisme et Environnement du Maine-et-Loire (CAUE), Angers, France 2001
Réminiscences fluorescentes Exposition Solo Musée du Québec 1999
Soft Laser / Hot Line Group show ‘Art by Telephone’ Museums Chicago / Boston 1969
La Machine 10m long interactive jump as an aluminum extrusion, fluorescent tubes and photo cells, exhibited in Montreal museums, New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, from 1966 to 1969